Wait 2023
WAIT from Jenny Wright on Vimeo.
Wait, 2023Come over and eat fondu. The world is looking beautiful.
A short animated film made on the Studio Support Programme at TAIS in Toronto. Drawn in October 2022 then completed and put online in Jan 2023.
Sound & music: Marcus Rice & Matthew Wright
Voice of Galway Kinnell: Academy of American Poets
Production Centre: Toronto Animated Image Society
Thank you to The Literary Estate of Galway Kinnell
For the bottle of ink used to make the film, thank you to Stuart Jenkins
1 film. 1 month. 1 bottle of ink. 1140 drawings (circa).
Best Micro Short at Cardiff Animation Festival 2024
Festivals & screenings:
Girls in Film's programme at Festival for Illustration and Graphics, March 23 (BULGARIA)
Fest Anca, June 23 (SLOVAKIA)
La Guarimba, August 23 (ITALY)
Turku Animated Film Festival, August 23 (FINLAND)
Uppsala, October 23 (SWEDEN)
Piccolo Festival dell’Animazione, November 23 (ITALY)
Cardiff Animation Festival, April 24 (WALES)

Girls In Film online release
‘Let us…transfer our love for those whom we have lost to those who yet live’ says Frankenstein. Whether the loss of a relationship, which Kinnell’s poem was in response to, or a person, Wait points to the beauty in life that will return in time and the love, despite great pain, we still have to give.
Combing is the second layer to the film which moves amongst the driving force, the voice of Kinnell reading his own poem. Sometimes, returning to old notebooks, there is an idea already there and in this case it was combing. The process of filmmaking can be, at times, like a kind of untangling of life at that moment. It is soothing, it picks out things of note and gets rid of what is not needed. Combing forms itself visually as a central motif in the film.
The physical process of painting under the rostrum as well as the development of Wait were hugely therapeutic and fun! I will now part with the film and give it to audiences who will hopefully feel something from it, as I have.
After Hours Screening to celebrate the online release

Process photos

Workshop @ Tais

Collaborative video made with drawings from both workshop participants & me
Music by Medium Wave